Blacktown Workers Lifestyle Group CEO Sleep out 2023
We came, We chilled & We (sorta) slept
Thank You to the AMAZING Workers Club Lifestyle Group and all those who supported Carevan Blacktown through this fantastic event… What an extraordinary honour and what a super night.
Mother nature saw to it that we had the full experience of a winter’s night ~ the evening was (very) chill & wet, but that didn’t dampen spirits, as the Clubs’ CEO Morgan Stewart and his AMAZING team hosted a wonderful event, raising awareness of the plight of so many Aussies, for whom secure lodgings, a warm safe place to lay their heads, of even a roof above, is not a reality.
The Clubs’ awesome team guided Carevan through the past months of preparation, rounded up supporters and, on the evening, provided us all with a meal, jerseys, beanies, tents, and mattresses for all those who dressed up in multiple (x multiple) layers and came along to experience a night in the cold.
THANK YOU so very much, to all those who supported Carevan by donating towards the cause or towards a camper, for sharing the posts and to all those who rugged up and came along to sleep out AND of course to all those fantastic corporate sponsors who got behind the event.
Special mention to the awesome Sunil, our honorary volunteer & long-time supporter who raised the highest personal donation of the event & and who came along to sleep out ..or at least try to sleep.. until his tent flooded and he then spent the night sitting in the stands waiting for sunrise before heading off to work .. making the evening a very authentic experience!! A fluoro Green Carevan legend!!
Thank you to Emma Blackall & Simon Graham, Kay Kelly and members of the Blacktown Workers Lifestyle group board, to Stephen Bali MP, councillor Bob Fitzgerald OAM. To our regular club supporters Tina, Brett, Taya , John, Katelyn & ALL the fabulous workers club staff for this wonderful support and care.
BIG LOVE to the intrepid brigade of Carevan Blacktown volunteer campers on the night, Tracey, Kimbalee, Jasmine & Helen and all the Workers Club angels who came along for a night in the chill.
Finally & most especially to the two fantabulous CEOs ~ Morgan Stewart & Andrew Scott. CEOs who put their people, communities and missions above their own comfort and who work tirelessly to improve the lives of so many within our shared community … Thank you gentlemen, you are Chief Executives in deed and in action.
There are official photos on the way, but we wanted to start to say THANK YOU from the bottom of our humbled green heart, for this wonderful and once in a lifetime opportunity. This fantastic windfall will help Carevan Blacktown to continue its mission into the future ~ assisting those among us who need a little hand up by passing on the remarkable and unending care of the community which supports us.