Carevan Blacktown THANK YOU ALL
We have decked the hall and served some 300 people with Christmas love and care, with gifts of food, hampers, and toys for all who attended. Our green army of angels worked so very hard to make the evening a success, passing on all the kindness and generosity we have received from our truly amazing community to those most in need of some Christmas sparkle 🎄
We received incredible donations of pantry goods, hygiene items, fruit, vegetables, toys, dignity packs from across the community, and beyond these amazing and overwhelmingly generous donations, we received the gift of people’s time and effort, organising food drives, yoga classes, cooking meals, wrapping, packing, and sorting the goods we received into bundles, hampers and care packages of Christmas love.
There are so very many people to thank and we hope to capture all these angels in this posting and if not here, then in person… groups and individuals, new friends and old .. … from Santa to dish washers, singers to photographers, security, storage, deliveries and pickups, donations and so much more … 🎁
Our heartfelt thanks to all the shining contributors. You have made Christmas for those we endeavour to serve, a fabulous event, enabling Carevan to create a season of care and connection for so many, facilitating access to a lovely community evening and Xmas morning BBQ too.
Thank you to our tireless CEO Andrew… for your affable leadership and mastery of impossible logistics. To our amazing committee BIG LOVE for your dedication and drive and for steering the sleigh right into the Lalor Park .. all bells jingling. THANK YOU to the wonderful Carevan Cooking team and friends, for the fantastic festive feast you made happen … it was a truly mammoth effort on the day and in the lead up… preparation, donation and a catering feat, to see that every person received a plate heaped with Chrissy fare… and they did!
Thank You to ALL our amazing and just plain magical community for the support and for ensuring that Carevan was able to deliver Christmas love and care to so many🎄
Special thanks for the Xmas events to:
- Boris & Bob at Parklea and to Frank and his fellow grocers for the beautiful fruit donated for the tables and for the taking home 🍏
- Gabby and the Cheesecake shop, Seven Hills for the gift of cheesecake, pavlovas and delivering right to our door.
- Natasha & Dom and the Calvary Hill Church for Xmas hams for hampers
- The incomparable Julie Griffiths … friend and Carevan Care-taker and ace hamper distributer.
- The wonderful Blacktown Workers Club, the very good fairy-Tina and ‘Santa’ Simon.. who does a double act as BBQ master too..
- Super Sunil for your support and hands on service for the Tuesday evening and Xmas day BBQ.
- The amazing Share the Dignity program and their (our) “shero” Janelle for providing us with women’s hampers and to Madeleine
- The Hall Bookings team at the Blacktown Council Andrew and the Mayoress’ gift appeal team for the toys and delivery 🧸 and of course Mayoress Mrs Bleasdale, for choosing Carevan as part of this program.
- The fabulous Roshni and the Blacktown Sai Centre community for Xmas day hampers
- Kelly and Brad at National Storage Glendenning for customer care like no other
- Matt and Norm from Gold Security Liam for the BBQs on which to BBQ !! and for flipping with the best
- To the awesome Pamela Rope and her generous angel colleagues for ALL the food for Xmas morning BBQ Norwest Private Hospital’s Midwives and staff for donation of Xmas gifts
- Oliver and Maria for the Tuesday evening’s photography .. there is a video being made of the evening and we will publish this early 2023 🎬
- Merven and the Parramatta college for support and gift cards
- Dominique and the team at Bunnings Rouse Hill, for the hamper bags.
- The fantastic School teachers, kids and communities of Mary Immaculate, Castle Hill, St Francis of Assisi, Kellyville High, the Kids Early Learning group, Just for Kids, St Gabriel’s and of course Norwest Christian School for the tinned food, hygiene packs and donation drives.
- Anjali, Sandra, Rob, Ginger and Ruby and all the ‘Yoga for a Cause’ community, for donations of gifts, hygiene goods and pantry items
- The hardest working Duke of Edinburgh candidate, Isabelle… her mum Lan and sisters Ava and Aleisha
- David Helbich for the super sunglasses
- & Elsebeth for wallets so generously donated to make up the the men’s hampers.
To our wonderful green army of angels .. our volunteers for the evening … the time and dedication shown to Carevan and more importantly the Carevan patrons for the evening, is invaluable and immeasurable and would surely have put you all right on the top of Santa’s Nice list … 💚.. certainly you are all on ours!
And finally … a thank you to sisters Tash and Kristina for providing us with their angelic voices for the evening .. gorgeous gals who donated their time and talent to add a special ‘star’ to the Carevan day tree … ⭐️ https://www.facebook.com/tashandkristina
We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts 🥰 and wish you and yours the very best for the Christmas season and look forward to a new year .. just around the corner.
We are on a well earned break from Carevan elfdom but are here behind the scenes in the meantime and will be back out in Lalor Park on January 10th 2023 for a brand new Carevan year. 🚐🎉