Carevan’s littlest BIG Champion
“..the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more”
Jackson brown. Jr
Thank you to the lovely ladies of the Blacktown Macquarie Trefoil Guild who welcomed Carevan along this week to their chapter, for a cuppa and a chat about our work in the community, a community that the Trefoil Guild has supported for many, many more years than Carevan have been on the road. Carevan regularly receive donations from the guild, most particularly from Marion Hatchman, one of our lovely beanie knitters. The guild supports the community in all manner of ways through the Girl Guide network and community projects of work for Share the Dignity, Breast cancer, Westmead Children’s Hospital and many others, and we thank them most sincerely for their interest in Carevan’s work and for the generous donations of food and hygiene items, clothing and a monetary donation towards our meal service costs. It was a pleasure to meet with you all and have the care & attention of such an established and kind group of women. 

Meanwhile in addition to our very busy Tuesday evening services, our own green brigade of community stars has been busy with extra-curricular Carevan activities ~ Bunnings BBQs, this weekend and last, and a tinned food collection. We rely heavily on our volunteers for all the tasks involved in running Carevan & we can’t thank you ALL enough. But, this week we want to make a special mention of thanks to our youngest, most engaging, and probably most enthusiastic volunteer ever, Harrison … Super keen to participate in the non-service activities like the tin food collections, Harrison pulled on the High Viz Carevan vest yesterday and joined us at The Ponds shopping centre to charm the community into caring a little more one tin or 10 at a time 

Hosted by the Blacktown Ponds Lions’ Club, Carevan attended a tinned food donations at the Pond shopping centre, an important activity that helps fill the hampers of pantry staples which we send home each week with our patrons. The tinned food collections are long days, but that didn’t worry Harrison ( he wanted to stay all day) Shining his unbridled enthusiasm & sunshine on every customer walking by, he charmed a lot of extra tins, bickies & cereal out of the very generous shoppers, many of whom might otherwise have wandered past or hurried by getting their shopping over with … one lady told us she would normally just donate a can or two but simply couldn’t resist him and gave us three bags full! Thank you lovely boy for bringing your joy and company to the simple task of handing out a pamphlet and the slightly bigger one of showing others you care through your actions … you are most certainly the star volunteer for the week. 

Our support comes in all shapes and sizes, from long established groups like the Guild and the Lions’ clubs to the young volunteers of the future … we are thankful to you all