Category Archives for events

Christmas is coming



It’s on, the countdown to Christmas….

We’ve had a wonderful year of kindness and blessings towards those we serve on behalf of this amazing and generous community, and we simply cannot thank you all enough!

Carevan will be out for our final evening service of the year on the 17th December. It’s always a fantastic and fun night, filled with that unmistakeable Christmas vibe of goodwill and happiness.

We will serve up a smashing dinner, turkey and all the Chrissy festive jazz, courtesy of the Carevan Family and all those amazing providers who give so much… all year round

If you’d like to donate something, we’d love it… whatever it is … so get in touch and we’ll help you choose … non-perishable food and hygiene items always needed

Without you we are just a van, and it’s you who put the love in the tyres, so hugest thanks for all you help us to do

Image result for Christmas hearts

Some ideas..

Tinned food, Pasta/ rice, Packet meals/ cuppa soups/ noodles, tea/ coffee/sugar/ poppers…

Hygiene items; shampoos, deodorants, shaving crème, soaps

BUT….We are grateful for everything or anything… Share us on Facebook, send us a ‘like’ or a tin of food we are equally grateful for the support





Rain, Hail or Shine…

Rain, Hail or Shine! It was a true blessing that SYDNEY finally received some much needed rain - fingers crossed it makes its way out to our farmers. These same farmers support us with generous donations to give to those who would otherwise go without.

Last night our team braved the rain to go out and provide warm meals for our friends at Lalor Park. We served 27 people also braving the elements, because they needed a warm meal and some fresh produce to take away.

Last night Carevans meals were provided by Andrew and Gordo from Kellyville Anglican Church. Luke from Hunters hampers, soaked to the bone but still smiling as he delivered plenty of bread and other fresh produce, organised by Donna from Hunters Hampers, the most incredible and generous person we have ever met.

Glaiza from Dearest Lips donated much needed funds to provide essentials, such as take away containers and tea and coffee. Thanks so much Glazia.

Lissa from Blanket patrol also took on the weather to provide much needed clothes and towels for our Lalor Park family - and didn’t we all need the towels last night!

Boris and Bob our farmers from Orange further supported us with fresh produce in conjunction with Tony and the gang at Parklea markets.

Finally a special thanks to our dedicated volunteers who braved the wet weather because of their loved of making a difference to other. Kym, Caroline and Bruce thank you so much, you amazing human beings 😊

From our Chairman Andrew Scott


Homelessness Week 2019

At the end of this week’s focus on Homelessness and following a HUGE Tuesday evening out on the street, Carevan would like to shine a little light of immense gratitude on ALL our amazing supporters who work with us throughout the year. Our regular and amazing supporters and the new ones, who befriend us each week, enabling Carevan to help the members of our community at disadvantage and in need.

Quietly in background, going about their knitting, buying, cooking and advocating for support… our wonderful community provide meals, food, warm clothing, blankets and all manner of goodies, all year long…. and we simply cannot THANK YOU ALL enough.

Homelessness week 2019 closes out this week. Sadly this social plight will go on beyond the week’s focus, a multifactorial issue, difficult to manage or prevent. It is evident, however, that it is within the community’s power to provide and care for those for whom this is the reality.

The support Carevan receives IS this care for others in action, such kindness of heart, demonstrated though deed and action and we see this each and every week.

Thank you all