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Carevan Blacktown Charity Affiliates and Support

This image below, taken from a recent Foodbank NSW and ACT appeal is both poignant and pertinent to our own service and our charity’s mission. It illustrates perfectly why Carevan Blacktown and many other charities like us, do what we do, why YOU, our supporters and donors do what you do … for folks you may or may never meet.
This is the fundamental reason why Carevan Blacktown came into being in 2011; to provide meal support for people who have so little or for whom each week means juggling tiny incomes to address the essentials, manage the unforeseeable and still have something left for food. Often for the elderly, the pensioners, the under or unemployed or the minimum wage earners, the meal or rather an adequate, nutritious, sustaining meal, is the sacrifice.
It’s why (sadly, in most respects) Carevan have seen such enormous growth over the past 10 years in those in need and attending our evenings. It’s why we serve, trying as best we can to care for individuals, struggling to meet the basics of human requirements each week and to do this with kindness, dignity, and without judgement.
Principal among these requirements too, is the simple human need for companionship and community and this underpins the success of our community weekly meal service. (though is this the right word? ‘success’ as our CEO has once said, would be no one in need and no one at our doors!)
The Carevan Blacktown family of volunteers and supporters work very hard each week to provide a conduit between an amazingly generous community and its most vulnerable members. Foodbank’s posting message and image, a reminder of why we serve.
We are grateful every week for our friendships and connections with organisations that make our service possible at all, such as FoodBank, OzHarvest, Hunter Hampers, Parklea stall holders Bob and Boris, Norwest Christian school, Dearest Lips, Blacktown Masonic lodge, Blacktown Council and so many, many others that support our work in so innumerable ways big and small, every scintilla of care is worth its weight in gold.
Our amazing volunteers are the oil (more valuable even than at the pumps right now!) that turns the Carevan wheels. We are very grateful for all those who’ve reached out to join us via SEEK and Messenger over the past couple of weeks. With new members coming on board to provide much needed hands. We are beyond grateful for the attention shown us. πŸ’š We hope that your volunteering experience will be as fulfilling as its contribution is to the lives of those who will benefit from your time, care and kindness.
The wet weather didn’t keep us away this past few weeks nor the community from our doors, much of this owing to the access to and use of, the amazing facility that is the community hall, which the council graciously allows us the use of. Were we to still be in the car park this past (and future weeks by the look of the forecasts) many would simply have gone without, but a roof over the head makes many things possible.
Thank you all, YOU all make it possible

Carevan Blacktown Welcomes 2022

We are back for 2022, Back to the lovely cool Community Hall at Lalor Park to serve up our meal and hamper service for the New Year
As with every year, our meals come to us courtesy of the cooking dynamos of the CarevanΒ Blacktown community.🍜  Norwest Christian School, “Erkso Eats” (Erskine Park High School) Roshni, the Blacktown Sai Centre, and our own cooking team of Carevan Volunteers. Our meals are supplemented by hampers and other goodies from the amazing crew at OzHarvest, food from Foodbank, Donna and Hunter Hampers, and Boris and Bob at Parklea Markets… AND of course lots of clothing, blankets and household goods from the amazing community and friends.
The first weekΒ out we served up a chicken dish made from the wonderful bounty we received from Hawkesbury’s Helping Hands in the first few weeks of 2022…. As featured in our Facebook postings, this produce godsend will help us for many months to come in supporting our meal service. We are very, very thankful to Linda and her team and to the bigger process in the chain of events and work that saw this produce redistributed and not wasted, which it might otherwise have been. We will ensure that we make the most of the blessing this is and are truly thankful.
We have begun receiving hampers from our friends at OzHarvest once more, as they too commenced the new year after well-earned Xmas breaks for all. We hope support for this awesome program will continue into 2022, benefitting charities like ours and of course the wider community, but principally because this organisation ensures produce use, reuse and waste reduction, in so many different and valuable ways.🍎
We are masked up and ready for 2022 and what it has in store, but whatever it is it will be done together with our amazing community, partners and support networks, all of which make our week to week possible.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Happy New Year and see you in it

welcome back decorative lettering text greeting card with burst explosion

Carevan Blacktown Celebrating Christmas Day 2021

The Carevan Blacktown family have come together and celebrated this lovely time when, unlike any other time of the year, we are filled with the spirit of giving and receive ourselves, the most incredible support and generosity from a truly amazing community. πŸ’š
We have closed out the year with an extraordinary evening on the 21st December, serving over 200 people with a Christmas meal, hampers and gifts for all passed on, on behalf of an overwhelmingly generous community.
On Christmas day morning we held our annual breaky BBQ. The food for this is donated each year by Pamela and her amazing team of friends and colleagues, who provide us with a wonderful bounty of BBQ goodies (bacon, eggs, sausages and so much yummy food) which is all prepared and served up by our Carevan volunteers and supporters. πŸ’š
Our thanks also to Sunil who provided bread rolls for all and who took a turn with the tongs at the BBQing as well.
Christmas hampers, gathered and wrapped up with love πŸ’ and donated by Roshni and the Blacktown Sai Centre were distributed by Stephen Bali MP, who dropped by to spend some time with us, which was an honour indeed and a lovely surprise. As we do with all those who come along, we put Stephen to work with the task of distributing the hampers and then a turn at the BBQing skills with the other gents on the tongs … no one can come along to a Carevan event and not be given a task or two! Thanks Stephen for your gift of time and attention … and your work on the eggs 🍳
Our team of volunteers and special supporters for the day taking care of all manner of other Christmas tasks were Christmas Angels; Kimbalee, Elsebeth, Nicole, Sunil, Malcolm, Liam, Gary, Simon, Louise, Michael, Natalie, Justine and Luke, Bruce and team lead (and the hardest working CEO in town) Andrew.
It was a beautiful morning in the sunshine and a lovely way to close out the Carevan Christmas season, which has been a very busy but joyous and was full of all the good things .. a β€œnice” list filled to capacity and Santa’s work done for the year.
We are dependent on and grateful beyond words for the compassion and benevolence of an amazing community, which contributes food, toys, gifts, time, work and care all year long but most particularly at Christmas time and among these our partners, supporters and green army of volunteer angels πŸ˜‡
Carevan are simply the conduit between a warm-hearted and caring community and the people who most need their care. We cannot do our thing without this kindliness, which starts right at the top with our community leaders and is carried on down the line by people with big hearts from across all sectors and demographics.
Thank you one and all and we look forward to serving in 2022
See you on the 11th of January!
Stay safe and well and Happy Christmas

Carevan Blacktown Christmas Celebration 2021

Carevan Blacktown knows that Christmas means a little bit more … it means everything.
It is community, family and friends and care for those who need a helping hand, company and a little support at a time when we celebrate these things most and best. For many though, this is time of sadness, financial strain and loneliness, so it is with great happiness that we were able to provide an evening of β€œa little bit more” and then some.. on Tuesday 21st December, this week past.
2021 has been a wild and whacky ride of hard work, service and support from all quarters of our amazing and generous community. Support unfazed and unstopped by COVID and the difficulties that this has presented to so many, over the year, but culminating in a wonderful evening’s celebration of community and Christmas cheer in the grounds of Lalor Park Community Hall.
Thank you to all who have been involved, from the donation of a hamper in the months before the event to the offer of help on the day, from bags of groceries, clothing or toys towards the Mayoress gift appeal, to staff working in organisations who answer phones, put things together and pack endlessly week after week through the year, but ramp up this work as Christmas approaches.
Thanks to the lovely individuals who donated gifts, food and other items, we thank you for your generous hearts and kind contributions, every thought and piece of effort resonating in the evening’s success.
Thanks to community groups and businesses who donated financial support towards Christmas gifts, food and a place to meet, the extra mile of customer service to support our charity or a discount to help out.
Thank you to the Gods of air conditioning and the privilege that it was to be able to be inside the cool hall on a hot day of heavy graft…
To the official bodies like the council and the staff, for their support in so many ways, to the unofficial help – like shop owner Joe, who came across from the Lalor Park shops to help carry unending boxes into the hall and help with set up…earning himself a fluoro green trophy Carevan T-shirt
Thanks to the neighbourhood gals, Tash and Christina, who sang for us, like the angels they are and who gave so freely of their time and filled the hall and our Christmas service with lovely, live music.
Thanks to all the people behind the scenes and those front and centre, each cog in the machine as important as the other and we can’t do it without you all
Tremendous thanks to….
the green team for the event; Andrew, Bruce, Tracey, Kym, Kimbalee, Jade, Taz, Julie, Nicole, Leah, Daniel, Alison and Nathan, Rishi, Elsebeth, James, Natalie and Hayley πŸ’š
Thanks to the honorary Carevan family;
Glenda, Louise and Terry and Robyn and Gary
2nd Kings Langley Scouts; Ellen, Joshua, Wade, James and Melody
Katie McMaster and wonder kids Brie and Taylor for the elves’ hamper and presents β€˜working bee’ in preparation for the day.
And Elsebeth πŸ’œ for being everywhere we need someone … every time!
Santa’s helpers; Wade, James, Melody and Annabel (Linh’s daughter) and Santa himself!!
Linh, Carevan’s very own lovely hairdresser.
Lizzie, queen of veg and lashings of generosity
Rotaract’s Anthony and Perignon
Sunil and Essai. πŸ’š
Huge thanks to the businesses and community groups that helped us get this act together for the day;
Sydney Wide Party hire for tables and chairs and another year of lovely customer service and spot on timing and help!
The Cheesecake Shop Seven Hills and Gaby (and his friend) for delivering beautiful fruity Pavs and cheesecakey deliciousness right to our door!! πŸŽ‚
Good360, Foodbank, OzHarvest, St Vincent de Paul, Norwest Christian College and students and Share the Dignity for boxes and boxes of donated goods to rival Mary Poppin’s bottomless bag ! πŸŒ‚
And … National Storage Glendenning for un-ending patience and outstanding customer service in supporting our expanded need for storage to accommodate the enormous generosity we have been shown at this wonderful time of the year
And yet more community angels: πŸ˜‡
Melissa Matheson
Anne Hopkins
Jeni Simmons
Janelle lye
Glaiza ( dearest Lips)
Lucas for driving the extra truck, laden with extra gifts hampers
Bill Corless for the use of the Warehouse and affording us generous storage space, forklift and pallet access and use!
And finally a huge thank you to Mayor Tony Bleasdale and Deputy Mayor Julie Griffiths for their ongoing support of Carevan and our work and for taking time out of busy schedules to come along, share a meal and hand out the Foodbank hampers (Foodbank hampers generously funded by the council this year as last) to the happy crowd, who left laden with hampers, toys, gift packs and much, much more .. and most importantly we hope, a sense of community and care that is so evident on days such as this ⭐️
because Christmas absolutely does mean a little bit more …. πŸŽ„
Thank you all ❀️

Carevan Blacktown Gift; The Blacktown Mayoress’s Christmas Gift Appeal 2021

Carevan Blacktown are honoured to be a part of the Blacktown Mayoress Chrismas Gift Appeal for 2021
We are truly grateful to the Blacktown Mayoress Mrs Nina Bleasdale, for her attention and care for those we serve at Carevan Blacktown, in particular, the families and children within our community, who will benefit from this wonderful council and community initiative. πŸŽ„
We are thrilled to be included this year among the charities which will benefit from this generous program and enormously thankful to the Mayoress, the council and staff elves who will organise this for Christmas 2021… and of course to the amazing Blacktown community who will make so many wishes come true again this year 🎁|d13b95b2-5146-4b00-9e3e-a80c73739a64|4f05f368-ecaa-4a93-b749-7ad6c4867c1f|en-AU#section-1

Carevan Blacktown are BACK

We are back and we couldn’t be happier πŸ˜„
It’s been a long time between cuppas and we were so glad to be able to reconnect with the Carevan family and friends at Lalor Park Community Hall
There was a lovely warm buzz in the room as we started out again on the 26th of October, after COVID has put a pause to our evening gatherings since July and it was lovely to see the smiling faces… or eyes over masks…of many of our friends again.
We were blessed with extra meals to help with supply for the first evening back, from Roshni and the Blacktown Sai centre group, who’ve wasted no time in kicking off their cooking support and of course, kitchen Queens Kimbalee, Tracey and Kym back in action as though we haven’t been on hiatus at all! Superstars.
Thanks also to our regular volunteers back on board for the new ‘normal’ Carevan evenings .. and we’ve friends from Rotaract, who were making meals for us during lockdown to deliver along with the hampers, and who’ve now joined the Carevan meal service evenings.
AND a big hug to super Linh, whose clippers and haircutting services were immediately in demand at β€œHairvan” as soon as the doors opened… just as everywhere else !!
We are back with old friends and some new, many who’ve joined the Carevan family along the way, while we ran our hamper deliveries to homes of those most in need of this support during the lockdown period over the past few months and who are now members of the Carevan family and friends at the evening services.
We have continued with our work behind the scenes during the COVID interuption to evening services and were supported throughout, as mentioned in previous posts, by the AMAZING OzHArvest team which, in adition to providing us with hampers each week also added children’s hampers, with items for the younger hosuehold members.. what an fabulaous initiatve and we are very grateful indeed to be included.
We have all COVID safety precautions in place and in accordance with NSW Health and Council Hall use guidelines, ensuring that we can get back to Carevan business as usual, meet with all our friends once again while doing our utmost to ensure the health and wellbeing of all 😷
As always, ALL ARE WELCOME… We’d love to say hello … and share a cup of care
Doors open for the meal service at 7:30… Look forward to seeing you all !! 🚐

Carevan Blacktown in idle

We are not idle,

Though the van is sat waiting to be back on the Carevan road, our team are working behind the scenes as we look forward to opening up as soon as restrictions allow πŸ”‘

We continue to make weekly contactless delivery of hampers to members of the community who are most in need of this ongoing support. Andrew and Kimbalee take these to a number of locations for contactless delivery each Tuesday evening and numbers are growing with new requests each week.
This work is made possible by our awesome friends at OzHarvestπŸ’š They have received some much deserved funding for this amazing hamper program which will enable it to continue to the end of the year … the flow on effect of this great news is that we are fortunate enough to continue as one of the many lucky recipients of these bags of goodness. 🧺
Heartfelt gratitude to Renzo, Alan and Diego, and all the amazing OzHarvest team of course, who make these hampers happen each week. This program is the backbone of the work we are able to do at the moment while COVID continues on, but it is also an inspirational program worthy of attention at any time and certainly worthy of funding! Our thanks for the amazing work they do for the Carevan community and many, many others and also because these are some of the nicest people you will ever hope to meet. If you haven’t already, take a look at the OzHarvest website and the wonderful work they are doing.
Huge THANKS to Kevin and Scotty 😎 from the Blacktown Council staff, who have taken on the weekly collection of the hampers on our behalf. We simply cannot thank you and the team enough for taking on this important task, this assistance is invaluable and enables us to access this important resource during the lockdown. It is essential work and we are not sure we could get it done without you … πŸŽ‰
Thanks also for the stalwart and ever-present support in the form of the council’s Deputy Mayor and our friend, Julie Griffiths.πŸ’š Julie, your approachable, enthusiastic and effervescent support for all things β€˜Carevan Blacktown’, is beyond fantastic πŸŽ‰β€¦ nothing is too big or too small a question to ask and your support towards a grant to help our Christmas plans is like Santa has delivered already… You are FANTASTIC πŸ‘
And speaking of gifts, we have made some new friends and connections along the COVID way and none lovelier than Hamish (and mum Melissa) who have come aboard the Carevan Bus. Hamish is a keen prospective volunteer but is a smidge too young as yet, but that hasn’t deterred him and he decided to donate money towards our work which will go to adding bread and milk to the weekly hampers we are delivering. Thank YOU, Hamish, … you are a rock star … and huge luck in the HSC πŸ’š
We have been contacted throughout lockdown by our regular supporters and new ones, checking in and offering a helping hand. Roger at St Vincent De Paul, John from the Lion’s Club, the amazing Blacktown Kildare Mason’s Edgar and Dr Raul and our friend Sunil… And all the lovely people, like the amazing knitting machine Anne Marie, working away on scarves and warm things to keep the chill away with some home-made care… It’s super to know we have such support, always. πŸ’š
And finally Happy Birthday to our very own Santa Bruce … you don’t look a day over 21… must be the cold weather. Big birthday LOVE to you from the Carevan family. Β πŸŽ‚πŸ₯‚πŸŽ‰

Carevan Blacktown; Homelessness Week 2021

As Homelessness week comes to a close we recognise that for those experiencing this plight, the problem willΒ not be closed out or beΒ resolved with the passing of a week or because of the short burst of attention… this is an ongoing issue and demands attention and care all year long.

There are sobering facts contained within these links and web pages and they are worth the listen or read because “Everybody Needs a Home”

β€œHomelessness is not a choice. Homelessness is one of the most potent examples of disadvantage in the community, and one of the most important markers of social exclusion.” (Department of Human Services, 2002).


Report: Social housing keeps women safe from family violence, expands economy

Homelessness Week 2021 Webinar – YouTube

Homelessness Statistics Australia | The Salvation Army Australia

And from the wonderful Pastor Jon Owen at the Wayside Chapel with the “Voices from the streets” live panel discussion, during Homelessness Week

Carevan Blacktown; COVID Lockdown 2021

Tuesday evening services at Lalor Park Community Hall are now suspended due to lockdown 😞
Carevan Blacktown regrets to advise that, due to the resurgence of COVID 19 and the expansion of the current lockdown to include greater Sydney, the Blue Mountains, Central Coast and Wollongong, we will not be running our Tuesday evening services until the lockdown ends and the restrictions are lifted.
We take this decision with a heavy heart but we must adhere to and comply with the government regulations and our priority is to do this and to ensure the health and wellbeing of the Carevan family and community.
We will be back as soon as we are permitted to do so.
We are, in the meantime, delivering hampers provided to us by our wonderful friends at OzHArvest, to those of our Carevan community most in need of this support and we will continue to keep in touch with these folks to support them through these difficult weeks.