Carevan Blacktown Volunteering 2024
Thank you to all our wonderful Carevan Blacktown volunteers.
We are blessed with a growing and glowing team of amazing people who give off their time, skills, and a smidge of muscle power.
We have just held the first training session for 2024 one welcomed many new Green t-shirters for 2024 – Lots of generous people looking to lend a hand and a couple of hours to caring for people in need in our community
Welcome all!
From the clothing and kitchen teams at the ‘coal face’ on a Tuesday evening, to the busy people working work behind the scenes each week. We have an amazing community of green angels doing all manner of tasks, to ensure the Tuesday evenings come to be and that the work to keep the wheels turning, the fridges stocked, the clothing shelves stacked and the vehicles running carries on week after week.
SO many dedicated people working after work hours and on weekends over the past few months in particular ~ sorting mountains of clothing and household donations, collections & drop offs, home deliveries, baking and cooking nutritious huge pots of food, to create our communal meal and food for the week to follow.
One such quiet green achiever delivers a ‘kindness box’ of fruit and veg, donated by the generous members Box Divvy Bella Vista, each Friday to a different recipient each week~ One of these recipients is a single mother of four, starting over and re-establishing a home here in Australia ~ She and her family, grateful for the wonderful community initiative that is the ‘kindness box’ ~ simple in its concept, but truly invaluable for a family struggling with loss, displacement and huge change – a community connection and kindness of immeasurable value through this lovely act of anonymous generosity.
We have generous folks dropping by to help with sorting, putting up shelving, doing electrical work (saving us money and a zapping) ~ packing, unpacking, and packing again ~ gym workout without the fees. People dropping by to help without request or requirement of thanks, payment or even acknowledgement ~ you are the very essence of the Aussie volunteering spirit and showing kindness for others through actions and we thank you, all
Thank you to the local organisations and small businesses who ‘volunteer’ their resources, connections, financial support, donate food, send along employees, referrals or just share the word through the community ~ many of you never meet the people we serve on your behalf and the generosity of this is not lost on us or diminished in any way by your not being at the serving tables ~ we know who you are and value you all the more for community kindness.
Volunteers are the soul of any charitable organisation and ours is no exception ~ Thank you Carevan Blacktown all-stars – new recruits and old hands alike ~
We can’t do our thing without you
Our next volunteer evening will be in April, so if you’re keen to come on board, get involved or help out in any way ~ just get in touch ~ email~